Let me explain this rule by taking
412*11= 4….(4+1)….(1+2)….2 =4532
Means insert the sum of first and
second digits, then sum of second and third digits between the two terminal
digits of the number
Means, if sum of two digits of the number is greater than 10, then add 1 to previous digit and subtract 10 to the associated digit.
2) 768*11= 7+1…(7+6-10)+1….(6+8-10)….8 = 8448
Here an
extra case arises
Consider the following examples for that
1) 429*11=4….(4+2)+1….(2+9-10)---9=4719
Consider the following examples for that
1) 429*11=4….(4+2)+1….(2+9-10)---9=4719
Means, if sum of two digits of the number is greater than 10, then add 1 to previous digit and subtract 10 to the associated digit.
2) 768*11= 7+1…(7+6-10)+1….(6+8-10)….8 = 8448
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